Wednesday, January 06, 2010

There is no money

Do our politicians imagine we're completely stupid? Oh, hang on. Stupid question. Of course they do. Do they really imagine we're going to be fooled by the pathetic school-boy arguing about who's going to spend the most money on what? Oh, hang on. Stupid question. Of course they do.

Because otherwise they'd have to admit the truth. There is no money. "Great" Britain is all but bankrupt. The world's largest bond traders have recently rated UK Government bonds ("gilts") as a "sell". That means they think there's a good chance of a default - the Government not being able to pay its debts. (Just as an aside for those not familiar with how the Government borrows money; they sell bonds on the open market. Having sold them, the Government has to pay interest on those bonds, and eventually redeem them. If they are seen as riskier due to the chance of a default, the interest rates rise, and as a consequence, so does the amount of money the Government has to pay out.)

And how does the Government pay its debts? It steals the money from you and I. Can anyone tell me the difference between a Government and a robber baron? There isn't one; they both steal money from you and spend it on things they want and you don't. And don't come whining to me about the NHS and education. The Robber Barons^W^WGovernment always spend money on things that someone doesn't want. Neither bleat about the "social contract"; there's no such thing. And democracy? Don't make me laugh. No matter who you vote for, the Robber Barons^W^WGovernment get in. And they're all the same; utterly convinced they can spend your money better than you can.

And where has that conviction got us? Bankrupt. In hock for the rest of our lives. Is it any wonder that the sight of their oleaginous gobs, spouting lies and platitudes make me sick? And, of course, very angry. All my life I've scrimped and saved. I really have been prudent, unlike those lying scum in Westminster. And where's it got me? Nowhere. I might as well not have bothered.


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