Saturday, March 07, 2009

Waterless toilets

Whose dumbshit idea were those? As if public toilets didn't reek of piss enough already. Now we have pools of stale urine in the pissoirs and even bigger pools on the floor. I really like having to wade through a pool of someone else's excreta in order to do my business. Not. And the reason those pools are there (other than the complete inability of some men to aim that damn thing inthe right direction)? Having dispensed with flushing, the operators of these mephitic facilities then do away with the cleaners. Yes, there's a list on the wall with the reassuring message that they are inspected every hour, with a supposed list of the initials of those who held their breath long enough to scrawl on that list. But actual cleaning? No. The evidence is overwhelming - or at least it is if you're unfortunate enough to inhale.


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